In-depth study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 major, with special inspection supervision to promote the central inspection rectification see the true chapter for actual results


The school held the 19th central inspection rectification special inspection feedback meeting

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party's 20 major Congress, implement the work requirements of the central inspection work plan of "deep expansion, special effort and downward extension", and promote the central inspection and rectification, the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology carried out the special inspection work of the implementation of the 19th Central inspection and rectification at the beginning of this year。The implementation of central inspection and rectification is the starting point,We will promote the coordinated deployment of education, science and technology, and human resources at the Party's 20th National Congress and the strategic deployment of unswerving and comprehensive strict governance of the Party,Give full play to the leading role of colleges and universities in the construction of strong education and the role of new forces in the Chinese-style modernization,Take practical actions to serve and guarantee the high-quality development of the Party's education cause。

Closely follow "one theme", achieve "small incision, deep exploration"

According to the tasks and characteristics of the special inspection, the school Party committee set up four inspection groups, and determined the inspection work plan of "one theme, four key points, and twelve whether" with the working method of "small incision, deep exploration"。Close supervision and inspection of the central inspection, rectification and implementation of this theme,Focus on the implementation of its rectification, grasp the long-term, grasp the coordination, grasp the deepening situation,Around whether there is a "paper rectification" "clearance mentality" situation,Whether to set up rectification of the whole school "a game of chess" consciousness,Whether there are 12 aspects, such as "the establishment of the system as the completion of rectification",Dig deep and investigate to find insufficient,Special inspections to effectively promote the central inspection and rectification to go deep and solid。

Under the leadership of the school Party Committee inspection work leading group,Organized and held two work seminars for inspectors,再次认真学习、深刻领会习近平总书记在听取十九届中央第七轮巡视综合情况汇报时的讲话精神、中央相关巡视文件要求,Conscientiously implement the arrangement of the school party committee,Read the "Beijing Institute of Technology Committee of the Communist Party of China to accept the central inspection and rectification task Implementation List",Unified thought and understanding,Raise political standing,Determine the work idea,Research work method,Lay a solid foundation for doing a good job of special inspections。

Keep an eye on the "four key points", check the central inspection and rectification "four looks and four catches"

In response to the "six deficiencies" in the seventh round of inspection feedback of the 19th Central Committee, the school Party Committee formulated rectification tasks and measures during the concentrated rectification period。Subsequently, according to the opinions on rectification review and evaluation issued by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission and the "One school one policy" rectification supervision opinions, the school Party Committee formulated the "Supplementary Plan on further deepening the Central inspection and rectification" and added the rectification tasks and measures。The inspection team adhered to the goal orientation, problem orientation and effect orientation, carried out special inspections of the rectification leading units, and comprehensively supervised and inspected the implementation of the rectification tasks and measures formulated by the school Party committee。

(1) Strengthen the responsibility for real reform, focusing on the implementation of rectification

This round of special inspection closely focuses on the leadership of the inspected units, especially the "first leader",See whether it takes the main responsibility for rectification,Make inspection and rectification a major political task;Whether there is "said as,The formalism problem of "doing as well as doing";Whether there is "rectification on paper" "fall and not real" situation。

The special inspection takes the implementation of rectification as the primary task of supervision,By looking at the authenticity and effectiveness of the rectification support materials,Check whether the relevant work in the rectification progress statement has been implemented;Express responsiveness and feasibility by looking at the progress of rectification,Check whether the rectification tasks and measures have been implemented;Push backward layer by layer,Re-examine whether the rectification task has been completed。To this end, the inspection team determined the "three-step" working method of studying the text, comparing the expression, consulting the information, discriminating the authenticity, individual conversation, verification and verification。

(2) Strengthen the political consciousness of "rectification is always on the road", focusing on the long-term situation of rectification

Special inspection is to strengthen the political consciousness of rectification is always on the road, promote the establishment of a long-term mechanism for rectification, and resolutely put an end to the "clearance mentality" and slack thought in the rectification process。

For the rectification tasks that have been completed during the rectification period,Focus on whether the problem rebounds,What is the effect of rectification?,Evaluation of teachers and students;For long-term adherence to rectification tasks,Focus on the completion of its phased tasks and goals,Whether to continue to promote rectification,Whether to establish and improve the long-term rectification mechanism;For supplementary rectification tasks,Focus on whether the rectification is in place,Whether to continue to consolidate the rectification results。For the system documents formulated and revised in the rectification, the focus is on how the implementation effect is, and whether there is a situation of "making the system as completing the rectification"。

Special inspection,The inspection team carefully studied and comprehensively digested the relevant materials on the completion of the rectification measures submitted by the inspected units,Look for gaps between corrective efforts and problem resolution and goal achievement,List these gaps and deficiencies as monitoring priorities for the next step,Through individual conversations and other ways to understand and verify。

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The school held a special inspection report meeting of the central inspection and rectification

(3) Strengthen the systematic concept of inspection and rectification, focusing on the coordination of rectification

The central inspection and rectification tasks and measures formulated by the school Party Committee are divided into leading units and co-organizing units, and each unit has a corresponding task division。In the rectification work, the relevant units should establish the school's "chess" consciousness, adhere to the system concept, there must be a division of labor, but also have cooperation, and form a rectification force, so that the rectification tasks and measures fall to the end and change in place。The special inspection is to see whether the lead unit strengthens overall coordination, tracking efficiency, guidance and supervision;Whether the co-organizer should strengthen coordination and timely feedback and communication;Whether the two sides through regular communication, joint meetings and other forms,Scientific assessment of rectification progress,Regularly study and evaluate the situation and tasks,Optimize and improve rectification measures,Continuously improve the effectiveness of rectification。

(4) Strengthen the leading and promoting role of rectification, focusing on the deepening of rectification

The special inspection is to see whether the responsible units for rectification deeply understand and accurately grasp the connotation and essence of the major strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee,Guided by the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee,To study and put forward ideas, methods and measures for implementation;Whether to adhere to the rectification of the "four integration",Take the initiative to serve the country's major strategies and overall economic and social development,Open up new areas of development and new tracks,Create new growth drivers and new strengths for development;Whether to adhere to the strict tone,Solid implementation of "two responsibilities",Create a clean political environment,Continuously deepen the central inspection and rectification,We will promote the development of world-class universities with Chinese characteristics。

In the special inspection, the inspection team in-depth study of the Party's 20 major reports, seriously study the school's "14th Five-Year Plan" and "double first-class" construction program。Strengthen the organization of meetings, through holding regular meetings of group leaders, inspection work promotion meetings, etc., to further understand and understand the mission and tasks of our school in serving the national strategy of science and education, identify the target positioning of rectification units in the construction of "double first-class", and check the standards and tables to find deviations。

Grasp the "Three promotion" and promote the spirit of the Party's 20 Congresses to "take root"

Through the in-depth and detailed work of the inspection team, the special inspection found some problems from the five aspects of responsibility, work mechanism, work style, etc., by holding a centralized feedback meeting, urge the inspected units to do a good job in implementing reforms and continuous rectification, and promote the implementation of the central inspection and rectification。

During the tour,The inspection team had in-depth communication with the inspected units for many times,Urge the inspected units to sort out and improve the rectification tasks and measures,Check for gaps and make up for omissions,Draw a parallel,The awareness of rectification main responsibility of the inspected units has been further enhanced,The idea of rectification is further clear,Rectification objectives have been further clarified,Give full play to the role of patrol in promoting reform。After the rectification of the concentrated rectification period, the inspection units re-refine and re-revise the relevant system documents, promote the system construction to be more perfect, the system implementation is more powerful, the system management is fundamental and long-term management is more effective, and give full play to the role of patrol to promote construction。Taking the special inspection rectification as an opportunity, the inspected units continue to improve the working system and mechanism, further promote the construction of closed-loop management, collaborative interaction, and normal long-term mechanism, promote the modernization of governance capacity and governance system, and give full play to the role of patrol in promoting governance

同时,The school party committee makes full use of the special inspection results,The problems found by special inspections and the problems examined by thematic education are combined,Integrated promotion, integrated rectification,To correct the actual results,We promoted the implementation of central inspection and rectification measures,Promote the connotative and high-quality development of the school,Contribute to the construction of education power, science and technology power, talent power!