The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League went to Beijing Institute of Technology to investigate and guide the members and youth theme education

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为进一步推动广大团员和青年深入开展学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,Lead the members and young people to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and cultivate the feelings of home and country,On the afternoon of January 11th,Zhang Da, deputy director of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and a first-level inspector, led a team to Beijing Institute of Technology to investigate and guide members and youth theme education。Pang Siping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice president of the university, met with Zhang Da and his delegation。

In the league members and youth theme education research symposium, the school Youth League Committee reported the development of theme education and characteristic practices from the aspects of implementing the central and superior deployment, following the law of youth development, promoting the youth interpretation of the Party's innovation theory, and establishing a full coverage of the normal working mechanism。

Pang Siping welcomed the arrival of the research and guidance group to the school and thanked the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League for its long-term concern and support for the development of the school。He said that the Beijing Institute of Technology is committed to cultivating leading talents with the character of "Yan 'an root, military soul, and leader", and the Communist Youth League organization takes the initiative to act as a virtuous tree and plays a main role in the ideological and political work of students。In the future, it is necessary to closely focus on serving the growth of young people, further improve the long-term mechanism of the normalization of league members and youth theme education, and promote the Party's innovative theory into the mind。

Zhang Da fully affirmed the achievements made by the Beijing Institute of Technology in the theme education of league members and youth。He said that the school Party committee attaches great importance to the work of the Communist Youth League, and has accumulated many experiences worth learning from in terms of ideological and political guidance, the cultivation of outstanding talents, the hosting of large-scale events, and the maintenance of security and stability。He hoped that under the leadership of the university Party Committee, the Communist Youth League of Beijing Institute of Technology would continue to play the role of the Communist Youth League of colleges and universities as the main force in ideological and political work of college students, and further improve the quality and effectiveness of political guidance and practical education。

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The research steering group attended the special organization meeting and democratic review of the 2023 special Youth League branch of the School of Materials。

张达充分肯定了含能专项团支部的建设成效,并对团支部提出三点希望:一是学深悟透习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想。通过开展团员和青年主题教育,深入学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,做到学有所感、学有所获,持续提升团员政治素质及科研能力;二是积极投身社会主义现代化强国建设。Extensive participation in social practice, in-depth understanding of social reality, to enterprises and institutions, grass-roots communities, all kinds of labor positions to carry out voluntary service work, in practice to grow talent and make contributions。The third is to focus on the overall situation of service, and harbor the "great national"。Pay attention to thinking and practicing new ideas in the work, expand service channels in multiple ways, give full play to the role of fresh forces and commandos, and interpret the mission of youth in the new era with practical actions。

The research steering group also visited the Advanced Materials Experimental Center of Beijing Institute of Technology, investigated the experimental platform construction of the School of Materials and the achievements made in personnel training, scientific research and social services, and exchanged with young teachers and students。

The relevant person in charge of the General Office of the Communist Youth League Central Committee investigated together。The Youth League Committee, the person in charge of the School of Materials, full-time Youth League cadres, and student representatives participated in the research activities。