The base party organization of Beijing Institute of Technology was selected as the nurturing and founding unit of Beijing

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Committee of Education announced the list of units to cultivate and create the "benchmarking department", "model branch" and "Party building leading practice and innovation demonstration project" for Party building work in Beijing universities, and the 12 declared by Beijing Institute of Technology were all selected。

The Party Committee of the School of Materials and the Party Committee of the School of Astronautics of Beijing Institute of Technology were selected into the list of cultivating and creating units of the "benchmark Department",Teachers' Party Branch of Institute of Industrial and Intelligent Systems Engineering, School of Machinery and Vehicles, School of Intelligent Information Processing and Control, School of Automation, School of Marxism, Teaching and Research Office of Basic Principles of Marxism, School of Information and Electronics, the Fourth Party branch of Graduate Radar, School of Materials, School of Polymer Materials, School of Mechanical and Electrical Explosion Science and TechnologyThe Party branch of the State Key Laboratory of Technology and the Party branch of the Party Committee Discipline Inspection were selected into the list of "model branch" cultivation and creation units,"Party building based on the 'one two three four five model + five projects' leads the construction of a' one-stop 'college community construction service high-quality talent training work system", "Build a' wisdom + 'party building work system.,Leading the "5-2-1-1" school-local cooperation cause development "was selected into the" Party Building Leading Practice Innovation demonstration Project "cultivation and creation unit list。

In recent years, the University Party Committee has adhered to the organizational work of the new era and the new journey, and has rigorously connected and executed the organizational system, providing a strong organizational guarantee for accelerating the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics。Continue to optimize the system of "longitude and latitude", and guide grass-roots party organizations to establish a quality improvement system of "establishment, reform, and line" internal circulation。Fully implement the "Party building rooted" project, and build the "One project, five plans" party member development and education management practice path。Create a "hundred excellent Party branch work method", and form a vivid scene of "one hundred branches demonstration, all branches learning, and ten thousand Party members action"。We should focus on the "key minority" and continue to optimize the construction of organizational personnel。Empower grassroots governance, build a "smart branch" platform, and innovate a one-stop path for smart management。Party building research achieved new results and was awarded the "Advanced Unit of the 10th Party Building Research Association" in Beijing Universities。Thirty-five Party organizations were commended and established by the Party at or above the school level, and 13 teachers and students were commended by the Party at or above the school level。

next,The school Party Committee will take the construction of the model party organization as an important task to strengthen the party building work,Conscientiously carry out the cultivation and establishment work,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of teachers, students, party members and the masses,Summarize the good experience and practice in the creation process in time,Give full play to the driving role of radiation,Continue to promote the construction of grass-roots party organizations in the school comprehensive progress, comprehensive perfection, comprehensive excellence,To provide a strong organizational guarantee for accelerating the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics。

"Benchmarking Department" fostering and founding units:


The Party Committee of the College of Materials insists on putting the political construction of the Party in the first place, running the party building work through the whole process of talent training, scientific research and discipline construction, and leading the high-quality development of the college with high-quality party building。College teachers and students party members play an exemplary role, in the past three years, led to win the national key areas of scientific and technological progress 1 first prize, 2 second prize;One first prize and two second prizes of National Key Field Technological Invention Awards;He won 1 second prize of national education and teaching achievements and 2 Beijing Education and teaching reform projects。Party Secretary Cheng Xingwang was awarded Beijing Excellent Teacher, Party member Chen Yu was awarded Beijing Famous Young Teacher;Approved 2 national first-class undergraduate courses, 1 Beijing university quality course;Achieve the "Internet +" competition for three consecutive years of national gold medal line, won the "Challenge Cup" black science and technology special competition national highest award。The faculty and students of the school have published 1362 high-level papers, including 928 SCI Region I papers, including 2 Science papers。At present, national talents account for more than 31% of the full-time teachers;Materials discipline was selected into the national first-class discipline training action, and ESI ranking rose to 53rd in the world。In 2021, the third Party Branch of the Master's degree of the Department of Energy and Environmental Materials of the College was awarded the "One hundred graduate student Model Party Branch" in national universities;In 2023, the Party Committee of the College was awarded "Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization in Beijing Universities".。


The Party Committee of the Academy of Astronautics adheres to and strengthens the overall leadership of the Party, implements the fundamental task of virtue and people, continues the red blood of "Yan 'an root, military soul, and leader", innovates the brand activities of "concentric • Soul casting", promotes the deep integration and mutual promotion of party building and career development, and achieves "One integration and two heights".。In recent years,Won the first prize of the national teaching Achievement Award,1 second prize,The flight Vehicle dynamics and control teacher team was approved as the third batch of national university Huang Danian teacher team,One person was awarded as the Famous Young Teacher of Beijing Higher Education Institution,Students are enthusiastic about science and innovation to serve the country,The "Flying Eagle Team" has repeatedly won gold MEDALS and cups in high-level competitions at home and abroad,A historic breakthrough in personnel training;There are 12 new leading talents and 17 new four-youth talents,The proportion of national talent jumped to 23 percent,To realize the multiplication of high-level talents;Three national platforms were added,Won 13 provincial and ministerial level awards and above,Hit a record high,The annual research funding to the university exceeds 300 million yuan,China's capacity to serve space construction continues to improve。

"Model Branch" cultivation and creation unit:


The Party branch of the faculty of the Institute of Industrial and Intelligent System Engineering of the College of Machinery and Vehicles adheres to the political construction of the Party as the leader, and has formed a Party branch working method of "one leading, two enhancing and three integrating" around the fundamental task of Lide and people。Make full use of the systematic scientific thought emphasized by the professional field where the branch is located, make full use of the thinking method of system engineering and the overall perspective, take the party building work and various business work as an organic ecological whole, and form a multi-level and multi-dimensional integration of party building and business。


The Party branch of the Intelligent Information Processing and Control Doctor of the School of Automation strengthens ideological guidance, carries out the "fertile soil project", regularly carries out theoretical learning, and casts the foundation of faith。Adhere to the standard, "seedling project" to improve the system construction, the excellent experience through the system retained。Adhere to the commitment to Seiko, "cultivation project" gather scientific and creative energy, the ideal of life rooted in Seiko to serve the country。Adhere to strengthen the responsibility of the mission, "Maolin Project" dedication of youth, physical force behavior of the people, the construction of service-oriented party branch。


The Party branch of the Teaching and Research Office of the Basic Principles of Marxism of the College of Marxism closely focused on the mission and task of "holding the flag, gathering the people, educating new people, reviving culture, and developing the image", established the "Bacon solid cast soul" work method, was awarded the school-level top ten Party branch work method, and coordinated and promoted the party building work。Give full play to the advantages of the discipline, and establish a set of party construction and business double integration double promotion work system - "three play four use" work system。Through high-quality party building work, a large number of high-level theoretical innovation results have been produced, the ideological and political gold course and curriculum ideological and political construction have formed a brand, the team capacity construction has advanced, the discipline construction has achieved connotation development, and the branch brand construction has achieved results。


In order to play the role of the fighting fortress of the party branch and lead the students to grow into talents, the teaching Party Branch of Xuteli College put forward the "six learning and six persistence" work method, improve the political literacy and professional ability of the branch members, and create a "vanguard" of innovative personnel training with strong theory and business.。The Party branch actively explores and promotes the talent training model of "value shaping, knowledge cultivation, practical ability + talent accomplishment",The implementation of "pilot" as the traction, "nesting, the world" as the support, "young eagle, strong wings, Fengyu, flying" as the main body of talent training "Eagle flying plan",Create a characteristic college culture,Inheriting Xu Teli's educational thought,In-depth exploration of whole-person education and liberal arts education。


The Fourth Party Branch of the Graduate Radar of the School of Information and Electronics has always carried forward the fine tradition of "loving the Party, patriotism, and innovation", and strives to create a "learning, service-oriented, and innovative" Party branch, inherits the red gene, and continues the spirit of "three generations of Radar"。With the "Five construction" and "five projects" as the focus, we will play a demonstration and leading role in ideological guidance, science and technology to serve the country and poverty alleviation, and demonstrate the era of Beili workers with practical actions。


The Party branch of the Department of Polymer Materials of the School of Materials adheres to the close combination of party building work and teaching and research work,Strengthen institutional construction,Solid and standardized organizational form;The "three strict measures" are based on the fundamentals,Strengthen education and management of party members;Play a leading role,Build a service-oriented party branch;Serving national strategic needs,Party building leads to vigorous development;Secure political direction,Build a "high-energy" force for party building。Give full play to the role of the branch's fighting fortress and the vanguard role of party members, train first-class talents for the country, develop first-class equipment, and contribute wisdom to the construction of the school's "double first-class"。


The Party Branch of the State Key Laboratory of Explosive Science and Technology of the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering based on the "seven powerful",Adhere to the integration of party building and business,Create "Red collar technology" party branch work method,Give full play to the role of grass-roots party branches as fighting fortresses,The commitment to innovation and service to the country is combined with scientific research, personnel training and teacher ethics construction,Create first-class disciplines, train first-class talents, create first-class culture, and pursue first-class performance,He has made outstanding contributions in scientific research, personnel training and achievement of leapfrog development。


The discipline inspection Party branch of the Party Committee of the organ solidly promotes the construction work of the party branch and the development education and management of the party members, closely focusing on the full-time supervision mission responsibilities, and promoting not to rot, not to rot, and not to rot。Through continuous supervision and practice, a set of effective "three training" party building work system has been formed, and the role of the party branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members have been fully given play, providing a solid guarantee for accelerating the "double first-class" construction of the school and writing a new chapter in the construction of the Beijing Institute of Technology in education。

"Party Building Leading Practice Innovation Demonstration Project" cultivation and creation unit:

The party building based on the "one two three four five model + five projects" leads the construction of a "one-stop" college community construction service high-quality talent training work system: the Party committee of Beijing Institute of Technology closely focuses on the fundamental task of moral cultivation,Combined with the Ministry of Education's "one-stop" student community construction requirements, the latest achievements of college system reform and the early achievements of "Party building + community",Take Party building as the guide,Adhere to goal orientation, problem orientation, effect orientation,Solve development problems,To carry out the innovative practice of party building under the college system and "one-stop" student community construction,Give full play to the role of Party organizations as fighting fortresses and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members,The innovation of Party building leads the high-quality development of personnel training work,To strengthen the connotation and support for the extension of practice path to promote the reform of talent training mode with the characteristics of Beijing Institute of Technology。

Build a "wisdom +" party building system,Leading the development of '5-2-1-1' school-place cooperation: BEIT deeply integrates into the national development strategy,We will implement the "Five-in-one" coordinated development strategy for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the "two-wing linkage" development strategy for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the "one-basis-point" development of the Chengdu-Chongqing dual-city economic circle, and the "one-hub" regional integration strategy for the Yangtze River Delta,Form and continue to improve the "5-2-1-1" school-local cooperation pattern。To uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership of the school,Form a work pattern that implements the Party's leadership horizontally to the edge, vertically to the end, and fully covers it,Efforts should be made to build a three-dimensional convergent intelligent party building work system,Build a "wisdom +" work system with organizational structure, system innovation, organizational setting, team construction, information construction, and cultural construction as the main content,Give full play to the organizational advantages to improve the ability of school-place cooperation institutions to serve national major strategies, local economic and social development and the construction of "double first-class" schools,High-quality Party building to lead the cause of high-quality development。