Jin Zhuanglong went to Beijing Institute of Technology to teach ideological and political courses

9月2日,Jin Zhuanglong, secretary of the Party Group and Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, gave a course on ideology and politics at the Beijing Institute of Technology,勉励广大青年学子牢记习近平总书记殷切嘱托,Carry forward the fine traditions,Tree fast science and technology to serve the nation,Study hard,Reach the heights of science,In promoting the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, we will shine with youth。

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Jin Zhuanglong pointed out that the Third Plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is a very important meeting held by the Party Central Committee at a critical period of comprehensively promoting the construction of a powerful country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese modernization。The Plenary Session deliberated and adopted the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization,Our goal is to revive China,The goal is to promote the overall situation of Chinese-style modernization,It lays the foundation for the Party's long-term governance and the country's long-term peace and stability,Standing at a new historical starting point, it is a general mobilization and general deployment to promote the comprehensive deepening of reform to the breadth and depth,It is a programmatic document guiding the cause of reform and opening up on the new journey,充分体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央将改革进行到底的坚强决心和强烈使命担当。Further comprehensively deepening reform is based on the comprehensive deepening of reform since the new era, and has a solid foundation and favorable conditions。It is necessary to deeply understand the historic achievements of China's new industrialization since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Firmly grasp the key task of realizing a new type of industrialization,We will integrate building a strong manufacturing country with developing the digital economy and industrial informatization,Transform and upgrade traditional industries,We will consolidate and upgrade industries that are competitive,We will develop and strengthen emerging industries,Forward-looking layout of future industries,Firmly build the manufacturing industry,We will accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces,We will develop a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone,To build a strong material and technological foundation for Chinese-style modernization。

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Jin Zhuanglong stressed that education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and affiliated universities have a glorious mission, great responsibilities, and great potential。要学深悟透习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述,认真贯彻习近平总书记对部属高校的重要指示,落实党的二十届三中全会改革部署,紧贴强国强军需要,紧扣立德树人根本任务,加快建设中国特色、世界一流大学。It is necessary to continue the red gene, carry forward the fine tradition, build a "big ideological and political" education pattern, and continue to polish the golden signboard of characteristic colleges and universities。It is necessary to consolidate the foundation of disciplines, adhere to the "four aspects", and consolidate and strengthen aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding, weapons, electronic information and other advantageous disciplines。It is necessary to strengthen the independent training of top-notch innovative talents and excellent engineers, rely on projects to train talents, rely on talent development projects, and support young talents to take the lead and become the protagonist。We should strive to build national strategic scientific and technological strength, coordinate efforts to promote basic source innovation and independent breakthroughs, accelerate the application of achievements, and firmly promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation to help develop new quality productive forces。

Jin Zhuanglong pointed out that the majority of young students are born at the right time, the stage to display their talents is very broad, and the prospect of realizing their dreams is very bright。We must unswervingly listen to the Party and follow the Party, attach the coordinates of personal development to the coordinate system of the development of the motherland, integrate into the cause of new industrialization and national defense modernization, and aspire to become a new person of the era who can reassure the party, contribute to patriotism, and assume the responsibility of national rejuvenation。We should inherit the fine traditions of "Yan 'an Root, military industry soul" and "Harbin military industry", carry forward the great spirits of "two bombs and one star", manned space flight spirit, lunar exploration spirit, and Beidou spirit in the new era, and strive to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle。It is necessary to firmly uphold the national aspirations of science and technology, study hard, climb the peak of science and technology, show youth, highlight youth style, and contribute youth strength in promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation。Teachers should deeply practice the spirit of educators, carry forward the spirit of scientists, do a good job in education, science and technology, and human resources work, reform and innovation, work hard, pursue excellence, and promote teaching and educating people, scientific research and other work to constantly make new breakthroughs and new achievements。

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Before the ideological and political class, Jin Zhuanglong visited the exhibition "Stiffening the backbone of the nation - the People's military industry led by the Party"。About 1000 members of the leadership team of Beijing Institute of Technology, responsible comrades of various departments, secretaries of grass-roots Party organizations, deans of various colleges, all ideological and political teachers and counselors, and student representatives attended the class。